The Wonders of Your Torah

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Truth Seeking

Truth Seeking: "Here you are on the world wide web, reading one of my blogs, and you may well have it in mind to make some money on the web. Then one might wonder if the author of this blog has some sort of secret on how to make money on the web, then how come the author of this blog is not himself doing that thing which produces income.

The answer to that question is'

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Yeshiva World » Shidduch Crisis? Part II » Frum Jewish News

The Yeshiva World » Shidduch Crisis? Part II » Frum Jewish News: "The “crisis” stems from the fact that we have instituted a gentile system of finding a “marriage partner.”
Our boys and girls are looking for “that special soul mate,” that person with whom they can be “truly fulfiled.”
These are not Jewish concepts. The Talmud says that you should strive to marry a “Bas Talmid ChaCham,” and that you should meet her face-to-face before contracting for marriage, in order to make sure that you are not “rvolted” by her.–that’s it!
If she’s been well brought-up, and has good middos, and she is committed to establishing a home of Torah and Kedusha, you have all the ingredients for a happy and successful Jewish life–and, yes, true love.
Good marriages are not an accident, they are created and built by two good people who have the necessary background and who are committed to the task.
Comment by deepthinker — February 28, 2008 @ 10:46 am"

The Yeshiva World » Shidduch Crisis? Part II » Frum Jewish News

The Yeshiva World » Shidduch Crisis? Part II » Frum Jewish News: "Several months ago (Five Towns Jewish Times, June 29, 2007), I wrote an article entitled “Shidduch Crisis? More Like an Identity Crisis,” which portrayed my personal thoughts and feelings about this situation, deemed an epidemic by many frantic community members. Drawing upon my own personal experience and the accumulated emotions of many peers, I tried to tap into the true root of the crisis rather than hocking, ranting, or theorizing about superficial symptoms"

Tackling the Shidduch Crisis: A Community Approach (The Shidduch Site)

Tackling the Shidduch Crisis: A Community Approach (The Shidduch Site): "Firstly, I would encourage the Baltimore community to come together as cohesive whole in helping singles to find and be prepared to marry their spouses. This means, in practical terms, that the entire community itself must dedicate itself to this goal, rather than rely solely on scattered groups of shadchan volunteers or upon the vagaries of personal networks of contacts. Some practical recommends include the following:
Every shul should establish a shidduchim committee, and actively work to organize social events around the community geared towards providing opportunities for single men and women to meet and socialize in a non-pressured atmosphere. Rather than simply spawn another flavor shidduch fair, these events would instead focus on topics of interest to singles of various ages and backgrounds with the goal of creating a relaxed, natural environment where people can feel free to socialize, talk freely and be themselves! Possibilities might include speakers, entertainment, a shared kosher dinner, planned group-oriented visits to local arts and exhibits, or local a Shabbaton – be inventive!"

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Tuesday July, 15 2008

Tuesday July, 15 2008: "Yud-Beis Tammuz Fabrengen
to celebrate the
Release of the Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe
on this special day.
Tuesday night July 15th, 2008 at 8:00 p.m.
104 Howard, Passaic NJ 07055
(Corner Park and Howard), For more info call 973-249-9770